Use "glimpse|glimpses" in a sentence

1. It offers mini-glimpses that startle.

2. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.

3. Getty Center reveals itself in tantalizing glimpses.

4. Those glimpses express our hopes and dreams, our failures and frailty.

5. We do have a few glimpses, through the keyhole as it were.

6. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

7. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

8. A glimpse of infection in Ahmedabad.

9. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

10. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

11. The book of Revelation gives us thrilling glimpses of their heavenly inheritance.

12. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

13. A clockwork loses its luster once one glimpses the gears beneath its face.

14. The letters of bishop Avitus and Cassiodorus provide glimpses of Gundobad's intellectual side.

15. This approach also gives us fascinating glimpses of the fallibility of great scientists.

16. Mankind has begun to glimpse illimitable powers.

17. all in one glimpse: like a person

18. I caught a momentary glimpse of them.

19. Catch a glimpse of the hollow world.

20. This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous.

21. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.

22. This glimpse of an awful sadness to come.

23. Perhaps I might catch a glimpse of Frank.

24. A glimpse of Bicentenary celebrations in Hong Kong

25. 2 I caught a momentary glimpse of them.

26. 10 Catch a glimpse of the hollow world.

27. How grateful we are for the glimpses the Bible provides of Jesus’ prehuman existence!

28. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

29. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

30. We can, however, get small glimpses of these blessings through the pages of the Bible.

31. 9 He took a quick glimpse at the map.

32. Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger.

33. 1 I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.

34. This was my first tantalising glimpse of the Hebrides.

35. They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.

36. We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

37. This was my first tantalizing glimpse of the islands.

38. Darwin had caught a fleeting glimpse of Galapagos'great secret

39. We can catch a glimpse of the downtown districts.

40. I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.

41. Nature is full of icons or images that reveal glimpses into another world.

42. Afaint – Afaint afar away over there what – what – what is the word – seeing all this – all this this – all this this here – folly for to see what – glimpse – seem to glimpse – need to seem to glimpse – Afaint afar away over there what – folly for to need to seem to glimpse Afaint afar away over there what – what –

43. 14 This was my first tantalizing glimpse of the islands.

44. 10 Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger.

45. The book provides a fascinating glimpse into Moroccan life.

46. 4 Perhaps I might catch a glimpse of Frank.

47. 17 Take a glimpse into the future of rail travel.

48. 4 He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

49. 11 We can catch a glimpse of the downtown districts.

50. He got more glimpses of backstage life, but it was what happened onstage that gripped his imagination.

51. 13 The book provides a fascinating glimpse into Moroccan life.

52. 12 He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

53. The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.

54. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar.

55. Through the Bilingual Librarian blog we can catch glimpses of these alternative mobile libraries.

56. 8 The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.

57. He strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the President.

58. 16 We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

59. 15 Jack caught a glimpse of her panic-stricken face.

60. 11 One glimpse at himself in the mirror was enough.

61. 3 They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.

62. She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance.

63. Another hatchling has its first glimpse of a dangerous world.

64. A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing.

65. You could just catch a glimpse of my glistening pussy.

66. And because they've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life, they're aware and starving.

67. Cockfight is a series of glimpses into the parts of peoples lies that we hide, bury, and deny

68. And they were sort, you know, blinding glimpse of bleeding obvious.

69. 26 He had taken heart at a little glimpse of hope.

70. 22 She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance.

71. 14 You could just catch a glimpse of my glistening pussy.

72. The Camellias architecture is aesthetically pleasing from the very first glimpse

73. We only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.

74. 15 I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar.

75. Our Brochures give you the first glimpse of your grand adventure

76. Many had waited for hours to catch a glimpse of him.

77. Want a glimpse of frontier lore without the commercialism and crowds?

78. You See yourself as Jedi every glimpse you take is to Blessai

79. 'Apocalypto' (2006) is a realistic and deep glimpse into ancient Mayan civilization

80. Remember the spellbinding first glimpse of the living dinosaurs in Jurassic Park?